
Leading teams to create vision for new organizations and new efforts. Providing clarity, momentum, retention, and roadmaps to the future.

Capital One Futures Gallery

Saw the need to develop a future concept space that showcase a range of ideas that deal with future pressures. The Goal was to proactively explore and prototype future concepts, in order to have a pipeline of innovative ideas to pull from when collaborating with internal client projects.

Led the team to define, design and build the first installation - the Future of Personal Data.

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Clif Bar Strategy to Reach Millennials

Initiated work with the internal research team to understand macro trends. Millennials were leaving the bar category - they saw Clif Bar as their “father’s bar”. Led ethnographic research to uncover beliefs, behaviors and pain points. Created a room with prototypes that laddered up to the opportunities defined in collaboration with packaging team, CQI (craft, quality, innovation team) and the research team. We used this concept room to align leadership on potential directions that were not in the current roadmap and to show co-packers the areas of opportunity.

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UPSTART early days, defining their vision

Helped in early start-up days on a sprint for initial personas of potential customers. Personals were used for brainstorming and refining market direction. Worked in collaboration with Google Ventures.

Next Generation Capital One Cafes.

New Healthy Fast Food Airport Cafe

(Culinary Edge & Delaware North Company )